Monthly Archives: March 2016

“Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral”

Or as I prefer to remember it by… 2 afternoons melting polystyrene chunks then airbrushing it. Should make for an interesting game with my lad’s TIE swarm tomorrow. 🙂

I’ll get round to making some good asteroids one day. I decided that some rush jobs will do better than just flat templates in the game until I get time to make some better ones out of decent polystyrene.

I made them by using a hot wire cutter to carve out some asteroid shapes. I sprayed them with good old trusty Halfords matte black car spray. It did the trick wonderfully melting the surface into pits and holes. Then it was a case of using the airbrush to respray black, then a dusting of grey and white from a distance. Some splodges of orange wash and brown wash, then when dry, drybrush slightly with light grey. Finished off by a coating of matte varnish from the airbrush. The stands were glued onto the X-wing game templates with clear glue. They actually look like they’re just stood on the template.

I also managed to glue a 10mm x 2mm magnet to the centre of all the X-wing model bases and add a sheet of rubber steel to the bottom of my storage box. Now the models won’t slide around and cause damage to each other. Oh yeah, the box could also be turned upside down with no damage to the models either. 🙂

The only other things I’ve done hobby related recently are putting together a few 4Ground houses in the evenings. I’ve still got a large ruined detached house to make, but I’m giving myself a break from wood-glue, pegs, rubber bands and swearing for at least a week now.

It’s a poor camera photo, but it shows the additions.

Next up, I have a Panzer IV Ausf G to get painted and then build some of my Maelstrom’s Edge models which have sat neglected since they arrived over a month ago.


They’re already painted…?

So, I bought my lad the X-wing miniatures game starter set… and then another ship or 2, or 3…

We have enough to make a 100 point tournament squad each – with a load more figures on order like the Millenium Falcon and Slave I. My 10 year old has loved playing it – full rules with all the advanced rules and cards. Every waking minute he’s asked if we can have another game.

Great stuff.  A game I can get into with him. Mind you, I’m not sure whether to put stuff about it on this blog as the figures are already painted. #woohoo

Anyway, after playing on a 2′ x 2′ Deadzone mat, we progressed to a black tablecloth on the table. Now we’ve moved to a special 3′ x 3′ mousepad space mat. I’m really impressed with the quality of it and I’m now thinking of getting some 6′ by 4′ mousepad mats for some of the other mini games I play.

So… Roll on Easter holidays and all the other ships arriving through the post to play with.