Category Archives: Tanks

Summer 2016

Between work, and a couple of fantastic weeks in Tenerife with my wife and lad, I’ve managed to build and paint a few things this summer. It’s back to work next week and I know it’s going to be a really busy year so hopefully I’ll get some updates done between now and Christmas.

Here’s a real mix of models that have been finished and awaiting their chance to make an appearance on here.

Maelstrom’s Edge

Although I’ve only painted up one model so far, I’ve built enough for a few games and finished off all the terrain for the board.

Karist trooper trial paint scheme and objective markers:

Large Bunker (from Dark Ops):

Not Maelstrom’s edge models, but some forcefield walls (from Warlord Games) and some old painted GW models:

Landing pad:

Suppression markers made:

Two more containers:


I’d painted up a 4 point Anglo-Saxon force for my wife/son to play against my Vikings. In the end we still can’t get the Anglo-Saxon board (still out of stock) so we now use the Anglo-Dane board. That meant replacing the cavalry with some Dane-axe wielding hearthguard and a change of weapon for the leader.

4 Points of Anglo-Saxons:

Now 4 Points of Anglo-Danes:


Archers (and yeah, I tried painting eyes)

The 2 different leaders and a unit of warriors:


As my lad loves playing X-Wing, we tried out the new Galeforce9 game; Tanks. It’s 15mm – which is a tad annoying as my terrain is all 28mm. However, we’ve got a few 15mm buildings and trees now and painted up the Tanks. The game’s very similar to X-wing and my lad has enjoyed the games we’ve played so far. He even bought some Zvezda 15mm tanks and painted a couple of them himself to ‘be like dad’.

United States:


Zvezda extras by my lad:

Bolt Action

To replace the hand painted German Puma I’d done, I made another and used the airbrush. I’ve not really weathered it yet, but it fits the rest of the army far better now with this paint scheme.

Also, here’s a couple of slightly better pics of the US WC51:

The Walking Dead

With The Walking Dead game coming out from Mantic Games this Autumn/Winter, I thought it was about time I sorted out some terrain for it. I built and painted up an mdf construction office, a couple of skips, some fencing and some shipping containers.


The only extras I’ve managed for Deadzone are an alternate loadout Strider for the Enforcers and 4 Forgefather Steel warriors – all matched to fit the existing armies.


Steel Warriors:


Although my wife’s painted a couple of wizard figures, all I’ve managed to get done is a few pieces of basic terrain. I have 2 more large pieces to finish off then I’ll hopefully put the whole painted up board together.


Ruined corner piece:

And I think that’s it for this months photo overload. 🙂