Category Archives: Maelstrom’s Edge

Maelstrom’s Edge and a freebie

Since my last update, I’ve finally decided on my colour schemes for a few more of my Maelstrom’s Edge models. The Karist Angels and Angel Minnows along with the Epirian forces.

Both schemes had to be pretty simple, taking a short while to do per model as well as be repeatable.

The Epirians were done with Halfords camo green spray as a base coat, then airbrushed with Vallejo German camo green. The beige colours are Vallejo German Beige with brown wash. The bot handler has had a female head in place of the standard head, mainly because… erm, I had some on the worktable and I just fancied painting something with hair 🙂 I think one of the characters near the end of the Maelstrom’s Edge novel Sacrifice was as well.

The Karist Angels were an odd thing. I didn’t plan on painting them, I was just undercoating them ready. I base coated them in black, then gave them a once over with the airbrush using purple, pink and a touch of white. I planned on leaving them for another day. However, the Games Workshop so called ‘Air paint’, even thinned down 50/50 with airbrush thinner caused the models to have a horrible powdery white look – I decided to Wash them in purple ink. Well, that more or less finished the look. A drybrush in pink and silver for the talons with black glossed skulls. Pretty easy to do and they’ll look fine on the game table.

Karist Angel

Karist Angel Minnows

Epirian Bot Handler and Spider Drones

With the “re-boot” of White Dwarf, Games Workshop gave away another free figure.This single sprue  with half a dozen pieces is meant to be £18. Rather costly considering it has mold lines all the way up the middle of it’s spiked legs making them difficult to remove without damaging the spikes. GW usually are the pinacle of design of plastic sprues, but putting mold lines here is annoying. Anyway, it’s now a piece of Frostgrave Scenery. My only annoyance was that the vitamin pill tub I attached it to, is slightly larger than the one for the last White Dwarf freebie statue I made.

Summer 2016

Between work, and a couple of fantastic weeks in Tenerife with my wife and lad, I’ve managed to build and paint a few things this summer. It’s back to work next week and I know it’s going to be a really busy year so hopefully I’ll get some updates done between now and Christmas.

Here’s a real mix of models that have been finished and awaiting their chance to make an appearance on here.

Maelstrom’s Edge

Although I’ve only painted up one model so far, I’ve built enough for a few games and finished off all the terrain for the board.

Karist trooper trial paint scheme and objective markers:

Large Bunker (from Dark Ops):

Not Maelstrom’s edge models, but some forcefield walls (from Warlord Games) and some old painted GW models:

Landing pad:

Suppression markers made:

Two more containers:


I’d painted up a 4 point Anglo-Saxon force for my wife/son to play against my Vikings. In the end we still can’t get the Anglo-Saxon board (still out of stock) so we now use the Anglo-Dane board. That meant replacing the cavalry with some Dane-axe wielding hearthguard and a change of weapon for the leader.

4 Points of Anglo-Saxons:

Now 4 Points of Anglo-Danes:


Archers (and yeah, I tried painting eyes)

The 2 different leaders and a unit of warriors:


As my lad loves playing X-Wing, we tried out the new Galeforce9 game; Tanks. It’s 15mm – which is a tad annoying as my terrain is all 28mm. However, we’ve got a few 15mm buildings and trees now and painted up the Tanks. The game’s very similar to X-wing and my lad has enjoyed the games we’ve played so far. He even bought some Zvezda 15mm tanks and painted a couple of them himself to ‘be like dad’.

United States:


Zvezda extras by my lad:

Bolt Action

To replace the hand painted German Puma I’d done, I made another and used the airbrush. I’ve not really weathered it yet, but it fits the rest of the army far better now with this paint scheme.

Also, here’s a couple of slightly better pics of the US WC51:

The Walking Dead

With The Walking Dead game coming out from Mantic Games this Autumn/Winter, I thought it was about time I sorted out some terrain for it. I built and painted up an mdf construction office, a couple of skips, some fencing and some shipping containers.


The only extras I’ve managed for Deadzone are an alternate loadout Strider for the Enforcers and 4 Forgefather Steel warriors – all matched to fit the existing armies.


Steel Warriors:


Although my wife’s painted a couple of wizard figures, all I’ve managed to get done is a few pieces of basic terrain. I have 2 more large pieces to finish off then I’ll hopefully put the whole painted up board together.


Ruined corner piece:

And I think that’s it for this months photo overload. 🙂

A real mix of photos

I had an hour peace and quiet this afternoon, so I decided to set up the kitchen table with some of the terrain I’d been putting together the last few weeks – mainly to see if it seemed to fit together in cohesion or look a state.

I don’t have room to store loads of bespoke terrain boards, so I rely on things such as the old GW cloth grass up to some of the newer pvc and mousemat style mats. Terrain has to be able to fit in storage boxes and be hidden away behind a curtain in my man cave.

Anyway, here’s a few photo’s – a shame the sun went in and the bulb in the kitchen isn’t bright enough, but they’re fairly clear.


As you know, I decided to go all in on Saga and bought myself a Viking warband and my lad an Anglo Saxon one. Although we’re yet to have a game – I still can’t find a rulebook for sale anywhere – I have enough terrain to make up a few tables of different themes.

And a close up of the 4ground cart I resprayed last night – full of Mantic dungeon saga barrels.


Warlord and Hearthguard:

Viking Beserkers:

Warriors (2 units):

I decided to make warriors carry spears and hearthguard swords/axes so they can be differentiated on the table well enough.

And a pic of the whole 4 points together:

Maelstrom’s Edge

I know I haven’t put paintbrush to model yet for this, but I have been putting together a table for it. The photos only have the mat open at 4’x3′ but it’s 4’x4′ when opened fully – and soft and mousematty 🙂

The Landing pad and the containers on it are only base painted – enough for a game I suppose, but I need to add the rust effects, chips, sand etc.

The photo above had the palm trees – this one has a mix of some rather alien looking plants and different cargo containers.

Deadzone – Plague

It’s about 2 years since I painted my first Deadzone plague models. With the kickstarter goodies for Deadzone 2 arriving recently, I have a Plague abomination to paint up. I wanted it to match up with the others – and I think I managed it. Even if it did only take 10 minutes to paint up.

That’s about it for now. Still sitting on my paint table are a couple of Wells for Saga – one ruined, one working. There’s the Landing pad and containers to finish off and a Strider for Deadzone with a different weapon loadout.
So much to paint, so annoying that I have a couple of really tough weeks at work where I’ll be putting in 70+ hours – so painting’s a right off for a while 😦

A little progress

I’ve not done a single bit of work this weekend. It’s been about lazing in the hot tub, watching football and getting some painting done. 🙂

I’ve now got 3 points complete of Vikings for Saga. 2 units of warriors and 1 unit of hearthguard, as well as a Warlord. For ease of storage and carting them about, I’ve magnetised the bases and magnetised the movement tray they’re in (yeah, I know Saga doesn’t use movement trays, but they’re easier to store in them).

I also put together and painted a pig pen, and the piggies for some extra Saga terrain. Now if only 4ground would get off it’s ass and send me the 2 Saxon houses I ordered 3 weeks ago, I’d be about sorted.

Photo’s are from the paint table and using a mobile phone so they’re still lousy. Sorry.



I just started this morning on finally putting some paint onto some mdf terrain I made for my Maelstrom’s Edge board (or any other Sci-fi game I play). Only the base colours are done at the moment and I’ve got to start weathering them. Sponge work, then some weathering powders.

The cargo containers are mdf ones from Dark Ops and the Landing pad is from ttcombat. I’m really starting to love mdf terrain for it’s price and how solid it is. It just takes me forever to get round to painting it.

Now, if only everywhere I looked, I wasn’t seeing this…

So annoying to be keen to start playing a new game, painting up the figures, but not having a rulebook. #sagaruleslikerockinghorsepoo


All glue and no paint

The title kind of feels how the last month has gone by. As usual, not a great deal of time to dedicate to the hobby. I’ve finally got round to building enough Maelstrom’s Edge models that I can have a starter game – with the wife ofc. It does always mean making and painting two forces up.

Maelstrom’s Edge

I’ve put together two small forces of 50 points for a starter game to learn how to play. The rulebook’s pretty complex, but is well designed and made to cover every rules possibility out there. Very comprehensive – but hard to learn at first.

Karist Forces: (50 points)

Epirian Forces: (50 points)

There’s also a mature Angel and a Hunter mech built – not for the starter game, more for me to find out how large they were so I can design a storage case around my collection.

The photo below shows how complex one of the small human size figures can be – in this case, the Karist Kaddar Nova leader figure seen built in the bottom right of the photo above.

Other projects

I did manage to finish a couple of very quick and cheesy hobby projects. A set of 5 mines for a minefield in Bolt Action, and some piles of rubble for the 4Ground ruins. I know the mines are rather ‘exaggerated’ and highly visible but it makes it obvious what they are in the game.

I have realised though, with too many scenery projects on the go, I’m never sure what job to get on with next. I think the next thing that will appear on here will be the painted United States Dodge WC-51. It’s not fully glued together, but seems a decent model – except mine came without the front bumper so I hope the plasticard one I crafted will do.

And the scenery to work on…

Probably the only thing I actually painted was a T-70 X-Wing model. I bought an extra from eBay so I could paint one up in the Poe Dameron colours – it’s meant I lost most of this bank holiday weekend playing X-Wing again with my lad – except he was none too pleased when Poe died first in one of the games.