Category Archives: Iron Cross

Where did Easter go?

Easter seemed to come, give me two weeks off work, then vanish. Not much painting time to squeeze in whilst entertaining my 10 year old.

However, I suppose you could call it hobby time. We did play rather a large amount of the X-Wing miniatures game. Mostly solid 100 point games. I’m now losing 11 games to 3.

I’ve managed to take a couple of photos of the Panzer IV and the Sd.Kfz 251/10 command half-track. I wouldn’t say the half-track is truly finished as it’s missing the pair of gunners who are sitting base coated on my paint table.

Sd.Kfz 251/10 command half-track

Panzer IV

I spent most of my hobby time putting together pieces of mdf scenery. There’s about 6 pieces of basecoated buildings for a snowy Frostgrave game board. I’ve also put together several 4Ground mdf houses.
I have to admit, those 4Ground buildings are fantastic for gaming with. All the houses split apart and allow you to put troops in each floor – as well as them being a really solid build.

The mdf church I built is currently undergoing test colour schemes – which have to be a breeze to paint. In the photo I was in the process of adding a coat of a homebrew mix to coat the flat open wall spaces with. A mix of base render, water, fine sand and pva glue.


And, as most of my hobby time was spent playing X-Wing, I guess I should include some pics of that too.

My lad about to use his favourite tactic with a capital starship…

His attempt to annihilate my Corran Dash squad with a TIE swarm…

His rather large Imperial Navy…

The Scum and Villainy collection…

And finally the rebels, which I have to endure the losses with…

Before I go, I should mention the awesome 6′ x 3′ space mat we got from Artistic Impressions. Looks fantastic on the table top.

February already…

It seems a long time since I had chance to update this page. Apologies.

Anyway, there’s quite a few models I’ve had chance to take photos of today and upload. A real mix of Fantasy and World War 2. I guess Sci-fi’s been on the back burner. But it will return as I received my 2 boxes of Maelstrom’s Edge models recently.

Anyway, here’s the things I’ve been working on.

Zombie Trolls

These are Mantic’s hefty metal models. They went together fairly well. At first I didn’t like the way I’d painted them, but the scheme grew on me.

Although I try to avoid paying GW prices. The starter sets they just brought out are reasonable value – even better if bought online with a 20% discount. I bought the Seraphon (sorry, Lizardmen!!!) set. Here’s the first 4 Saurus warriors I’ve painted. They’re on homemade bases, made of mdf (with magnets drilled in) and green stuff (and a good Basius mould).

The Lizardmen are going to be a Salamander ally for the Dwarf army I have yet to paint for Kings of War.



And finally, a big mix of World War 2 models.

M26 Pershing


I finally got round to finishing the drivers and gunners for the Jeeps I’d made. Both gunners are magnetised, as are the gunners. It means I can use them as empty looking Transports, or add MMG/HMGs.

Armoured Cars

I bought a platoon of armoured cars from Warlord Games when they released them. I’ve just got round to finishing the paint jobs. They are plastic kits and went together real well – as all plastic Warlord stuff does. I built one as an M8 Greyhound and one as an M20 Scout Car. The 3rd is still intact on sprues awaiting whatever fate I have for it.

M8 Greyhound

M20 Scout Car


US Infantry

I also finished the last 3 US infantry for one of my units. I say finished, but I think I’ll put the same arm badges on as I did to the Jeep above. It will take a while to get round to that though. That’s for Bolt Action, but for Iron Cross, as the units are small blocks of 4-5 Infantry, I made up (about 16, lol) movement trays to make the game quicker. Some 2×2 and some 4×1.

Bases for Iron Cross

And that about sums up the last 6 weeks or so.
Fingers crossed I get the next update out before that long has passed.

Happy New Year!

Happy new year!

Well, maybe a day early, but I doubt I’ll update again before January.

To finish the year off, here’s a pic of the M26 Pershing my wife bought me for my birthday. I had time on Boxing day and the day after to get it complete – although only managed one lousy photo of it on the gaming table – which has a pretty poor energy saving bulb above it 😦

I’ll take a better photo in the light box when I get chance.

US M26 Pershing Heavy Tank:

I’ve also put together the present I received for Christmas (thanks again to my fantastic wife), a Vampire Lord on a Zombie Dragon – this is the main boss for my Undead army.
I did rush to it though, and build it Boxing day and paint it the day after.
It’s still awaiting lighter highlights on the bone work, along with the stone it’s stood on and base painting. I’m waiting to put it on a decent sized piece of mdf, rather than the tabletop sized piece of plastic GW provided with it.

Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon – work in progress:

Finally today we managed to get a game of Iron Cross in. That’s a really nice simple(ish) set of rules that flows very fast. If Bolt Action is to 40K, then Iron Cross is to Kings of War. Iron Cross does have a fantastic action/reaction system.

Here’s a few pics from the dull lit game table.
Apologies that a few infantry models are only base-coated.

The German Forces:

The US Forces:

Battle photos:

End of Turn 1

End of Turn 2

End of Turn 3

End of Turn 4

End of Turn 5

At the end of turn 6, the US forces (me) failed their break point roll as they’d taken a load of casualties and fled the table.
Iron Cross Game 1: Win to my wife with the Germans

And a couple of other photos I took:

PS: And if you noticed… yeah… Captain America was leading the US forces and Red Skull was leading the Germans. 🙂